About Me

Hello lovely internet friends!  Let me tell you a little more about myself.

My name is Jordan, and I was born one hot summer night in July of 1992.  I live in a southern rural suburb of Chicago with the boy and our two fur children (of which you have seen plenty of, if you’ve peeked at my Instagram).  I have been with my handsome boyfriend since we were juniors in high school.  He is my best friend, and I am not sure where I would be in life without him.

I have always had a love for fashion.  Even as a child, I could do some serious damage in Limited Too trying to keep up with the hottest grade school trends.  I always dreamed of growing up to be a fashion designer and create beautiful ballgowns for all the beautiful people I saw on TV.  I would print outlines of people off the internet and draw my own clothing creations like it was a sketchbook.  When the time came to start applying to colleges, I always thought I would go to school for fashion merchandising and design.  However, my parents told me that they were not going to pay thousands of dollars for me to go to school for a hobby.  So instead, I went to school to study exercise science with a focus in physical therapy (because obviously that is so similar to and still in the same realm as fashion designer…).

Then in my junior year of college, I discovered this wonderful community online and on YouTube where people talked all about fashion and beauty and hair and all these things that I loved and never pursued professionally.  I was like YES! WHERE HAVE YOU PEOPLE BEEN MY WHOLE LIFE?!?!  Then, I was like I MUST DO THAT TOO!!  And here we are.  Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I can finally talk about my love and passion for fashion and beauty.

So, come on and join in the fun.  Let’s be friends!

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